Sunday 17 March 2013

Clinique 3 Step Skincare System

I have normal skin but my nose is really dry.  I've tried so many moisturisers and I'm always on the hunt for the moisturiser and I think I have found it....

I went to try this kit in Boots. There's a cleanser, toner and a moisturiser in this kit and they are travel sized.  It's perfect if you don't want to splurge and buy the full size products and then find that you hate the products! 

The clinique lady was very helpful!  As I said before I have a very dry nose and it gets flaky ( TMI ), but since using this my nose has been normal. No flaking, nothing! I don't know whether if it's the 3 products working together that makes this work, or that it's just the yellow moisturiser.
However, I'm so happy that my nose has finally cleared. I can put foundation on my nose now with out making it look gross! 
The kit retails at £20, which is great if you are on the hunt for new skincare.  I'm skin type 1. There are 4 skin types ranging from 1 -very dry and 4 - very oily. I recommend that you go for a skin consultation because you don't want to guess when buying something like this. £20 is still a lot of money!
The problem that I have now is that I want to buy the full size products, which I think will cost me about £70 ! Ouch...
If you are interested, click here to where you can buy the kit and the full size products :)
By the way I'm also on twitter, so if you'd like to follow me it's @Serennublogs
from a very happy

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