Sunday 10 March 2013

My Top 5 Favourite Nail Polishes!

I hope you're all having a great Mother's Day! These are my favourite nail polishes at the moment.
( Sorry for the low quality - I'm a newbie!)

The first I'd like to talk about is Models Own nail polish in Champagne.

It's a rose gold/champagne colour that looks beautiful on the nails. I believe some gold nail polishes can look tacky, but this one is perfect :) Models Own nail polishes are £5 each, but at the moment they are 2 for £8! ( I want to get Indian Ocean next!!!)

(awful quality... I know)

This is a mini version of OPI's 'I'm not really a waitress'.  It's deep red nail polish with tiny bits of glitter in it - the perfect red nail polish in my opinion.  Although OPI is not cheap, I would recommend trying the brand because the lasting power of the nail polish is great! ( use base coat and topcoat - it makes your nail polish last longer)  on they are £11.50, but I believe you can buy OPI in John Lewis.

Yes I own a Butter London nail polish... I still can't believe it!  I've always wanted a nail polish from this brand but the price tag always put me off! I own "Lady Muck" and it's a gorgeous icy blue.  I love this nail polish even more because it was 70% off in Debenhams at the time! ( I thought it was a joke)  Butter London nail polishes are £15 each.

It looks like a black nail polish, but it's a very dark purple. Its OPI's Linkin Park After Dark - one of their most popular nail polishes! I always seem to gravitate towards this nail polish when I can't be bothered to think about what colour I want to paint my nails. (It makes sense to me!)  I think I can say this is my FAVOURITE nail polish.


This is Rimmel London's Disco Ball!  I love this nail polish because it's so versatile. It's a multicoloured glitter nail polish that you can wear on it's own or as a topcoat on another nail polishes.  I recommend pairing this with a dark colour such as OPI's Linkin Park After Dark - it's beautiful.
 At £2.99 it's one of the best nail polishes I've bought.( I've nearly finished the bottle! )

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