Wednesday 13 March 2013

The Body Shop's Strawberry Shower Gel

This product  brightens my day every time I use it. The Body Shop is one of my favourite shops and I love their lip balms, but today I am going to talk about my current favourite - the strawberry shower gel.
I think it's safe to say that this is my holy grail product! The smell is just amazing, I recommend that you smell this shower gel because it's divine. My favourite 'flavour' out of the whole range is strawberry shop (it might change!)
Just to prove that I'm not harping on about something I haven't tried here is my current bottle!
It does the job with added bonus of smelling awesome.  If you don't like strawberry or berry/fruity scents, obviously you won't like this, but if you are looking for a new shower gel, I recommend this one.
250ml = £4. You can't go wrong really.  They have smaller bottles and I'm sure they used to have bigger bottles but I couldn't find any online...
Also if you sign up to receive emails from the body shop they offer LOADS of great deals!

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